
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 158

On the emotional plane, the Phosphorus patient’s emotions freely go out toward others. The patient has little ability to contain himself and protect the self from emotional vulnerability. Mentally, the patient easily forgets himself, even to the degree that aware­ness can become too diffuse and unfocused. The patient becomes easily “spaced out”.

Phosphorus has a sensitive point. It is very sensitive to the area of health. If the others are suffering, Phosphorus is very sensitive to it. If the child is sick, Phosphorus is very sensitive to it. But the same sensitivity is there for his own health as well.

There is a strong anxiety about health in Phosphorus. The

patient becomes so suggestible that even if he hears of someone

else   with   a   particular   illness,   he   will   be

Anxiety about own       concerned about the possibility that he also

health and health of

family members              might  get that  illness.  This  vulnerability to

suggestion,  however,  is easily assuaged  by

counter-suggestion. A few reassuring words by the homeopath,

and the patient sighs with relief and is profusely thankful, only to

come back when he hears another alarming possibility.

Therefore there is an easily arousability and big anxiety about their own health and the health of the relatives. For Phospho­rus this is a main source, the main cause/stimulation for anxiety and panic attacks.

In order to understand you have to imagine a little bit what I am saying, because it is difficult to explain in words.

I will give you an example:

When a person comes for a consultation, how do you recognize he is a Phosphorus?