They know everything which is going on! When I was teaching at the University of Bonn they said: “Come here! We have heard that if someone wears a shirt with stripes, the remedy for him is Zebra. What is you opinion about this?” (audience laughs)
I mean, where are we?! It was the first time that I heard something like this, and the man asking me was the professor for internal medicine in the Medical School of Bonn! I said: “I know nothing about that, this is total nonsense.”
He asked another question: “What do you say when your colleagues claim that one can potentise a song?” – “Potentise a song?? I don’t know about this!”
I’m sorry, but this is total nonsense! And we have to really come back to the basics if you want to be real professionals. If you want to really treat people and see success, you have to learn these basics.
I would like to advise you to take the full four year course, with about 500 hours, and then you will have a firm grounding in our science. Otherwise you’ll get a fragment. What can I give you in two days? Can I teach you homepathy in this time? It’s not possible. You get a fragment, a piece of what we call classical homepathy.
So, with this introduction we go to the next remedy, which is: