
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 153

Prove cucumber! You have to squeeze cucumber into juice and drink five liters. Then you will come up with symptoms, like nausea etc. (audience giggles)

I mean, this is the way how you prove a remedy. Not by taking one dose of chocolate in the 12th potency and producing an entire book full of symptoms. I said: “My God, if that is true, then every-time we give a false remedy it means we should have had a huge amount of symptoms.”

But in my experience, if I give the wrong remedy to a person, he comes back and says: “Nothing happened! I didn’t feel anything!” That’s different. How is it that in a proving with one dose of the 12th potency they produce 1,000 symptoms?

Now, if you ask me: “Yes, but Chocolate contains Coca and other things, why shouldn’t it have symptoms?”, I’ll answer: “Of course it has symptoms!”

But if you want to do a real proving of chocolate, then start out by going all over your country and finding the people who are sen­sitive to chocolate or who are allergic to chocolate.

First collect their symptomatology, then give them Choco­late 30 C and see if some of the symptoms will go away. That is the way that you can persuade me that the 1,000 symptoms belong to the remedy and not to your imagination. We have to be very careful about these things.

I’m sorry I have to say these things. I deal with several medical schools. Do you know that once you have reached this level, the first thing these people ask you is: “What do you think about this? About that? About these crazy ideas?”