G.V.: Nitricum acidum is a remedy that will be very
useful in pure anxiety about health. Anxiety Anxjety gbout health
about health to an extent that it becomes hypochondriacal
comes extremely hypochondriacal. What fear of cancer
does that mean? It is similar to Natrium muriaticum, but in a different way.
Once Nitricum acidum patients enter this state of anxiety, they feel they definitely have cancer. Cancer is their main anxiety. What do we mean by hypochondriacal anxiety? I will give you an example.
A Nitricum acidum patient visits a doctor and asks him to be examined.
The doctor asks: “What is your problem, what do you have?” – “I sometimes have a kind of stitch that appears here.” – “What else?” – “There is… I have… From time to time there is a weakness…” etc.
So, the doctor who hears this agrees to examine him and finds that the patient has nothing. “You are fine, you are healthy, you can go home.”
But Nitricum acidum patients will never accept that. They
think: “The doctor doesn’t know anything. I Patient is convinced
definitely have cancer.” And therefore they of having cancer
visit another doctor. This doctor gives them the same answer. But the patient believes: “I have cancer that cannot be discovered at this moment, but I am sure it will be discovered in the future.”
He is totally convinced of having cancer, and he keeps going from one doctor to another, until he comes to a homeopath.
And the homeopath does not understand that this is a case of Nitricum acidum, and gives him Natrium muriaticum,