Lots of crying. This is a positive reaction! The emotions are coming back, this is the best reaction!
You see, we have brought things upside down. Nowadays people are thought to be weak if they cry…
This is how pathology develops in Natrium muriaticum, through this control of the mind. I don’t know through what method, what mechanism. The mind is sound. The mind is perceptive. You can observe this in Natrium muriaticum children for example.
At a children’s party, the Natrium muriaticums will sit somewhere apart from the others and they will watch. They will not participate in the exchange; they will not be shouting and dancing
Doesn’t show etc. They observe, and through the observation
emotions for fear they meet their own emotions. And they have
of losing control
such strong emotions! You cannot believe it! The
emotions are so strong, because they actually cannot be controlled.
This is what Natrium muriaticum is so afraid of. “If I show all my emotions, if I show everything I really feel for this man, then I will not be able to control it anymore, and I will start over-expressing, overdoing it” etc.
Do you see the pathology of the individual remedies, how it develops, how the states come about?
Natrium muriaticums are perceptive, they can restrain immediately if someone laughs. You see, there are remedies who think somebody is laughing along with them.