This, combined with the Natrium muriaticum sense of responsibility, results in guilt becoming a strong motivating factor in the lives of such people.
They are likely to be the sympathetic ear to whom others turn when distressed. The emotional sensitivity and the sense of responsibility readily lead such people into fields of counselling, psychotherapy, the ministry etc.
While listening sympathetically to someone else’s suffering, such people maintain their objectivity and appear to be very strong. However, they internally absorb the pain of others, and dwell on it later; particularly, they wonder: “How would I react in such a situation? Would I be able to take it?”
So, in a relationship, where they start feeling that the other
person is not so much interested in them
Closed, won’t let
anymore – they perceive very intensely that the anxiety show
other person is not paying so much attention to
them anymore – they immediately have this anxiety developing:
“Maybe he is not in love with me anymore…”
That stays inside in Natrium muriaticum. They will tolerate it, they will not show anything. As much as possible they will try to avoid showing the least indication that they are jealous.
They will avoid making a jealousy scene. They will avoid, avoid, avoid. One week, two weeks, months, one or two years. But the anxiety develops, and the signals or signs become more and more and increase. “He does not love me, he does not love me. He does not love me, because we went to the restaurant and he was looking all around to see the nice women. There were nice women there, and he was looking at them…”