G.V.: Let’s talk about the anxiety states of Natrium muriaticum. The first thing that you will take into consideration is the
fact that Natrium muriaticum cases
Fear of showing
emotions, fear of usually are closed persons, that are terrified to
becoming an publicly show their emotions. They have the
object of ridicule,
closed idea maybe I will do something and I will look
ridiculous. This idea is haunting them, is of great importance to them. Under no circumstances must I look ridiculous.
The second thing that we have to take into consideration is a
fear of being rejected. It is a tremendous fear. It is something that
they cannot tolerate. They are so sensitive.
Fear of rejection Even if somebody will not say: “Good morning”
to them. You know, in the usual way: They come inside and somebody does not pay attention. You know, she enters the room, the others did not notice and don’t say: “Good morning” – that can hurt.
The Natrium muriaticum pathology is introversion arising out of a feeling of great vulnerability to emotional injury. Natrium muriaticum patients are emotionally very sensitive; they experience the emotional pain of others, and feel that any form of rejection, ridicule, humiliation or grief would be personally intolerable.
Consequently, they create a wall of invulnerability, become enclosed in their own worlds, and prefer to maintain control over their circumstances. They avoid being hurt at all costs.
That is the composition on which these people may develop an anxiety state.