
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 126

In terror the girl left London and came to Athens. She came to me by chance. I understood what was happening. I just explained to her that this was a phenomenon which some organisms have as a gift.

That means, they can leave their body and can travel – what we call ‘astral travel,’ and that this was something which belongs to her. The girl listened to me. Finally she said: “Okay. Are you going to give me a medicine?” I said: “No, you do not need a medicine. You are quite happy.” And she left.

A few years later I received a letter saying: “I am writing to you from a mental asylum…” (complete silence in the auditorium, everyone is holding their breath. Vithoulkas pauses, waits, and starts smiling)

No, no, that didn’t happen! (liberated laughter in the room) A few years later she wrote to me: “I went back to London, I finished my studies. Thank you very much for your advice.” That means, my advice took away the fear.

We have to understand: such cases are not pathology. Do you remember what I told you? In real anxiety states you can’t just help with reassurance, questions, consolation, support.

No. Once it is a real state of panic and anxiety, there is chemistry in the body that cannot be controlled by logic.

In certain cases it’s only a fear, only a fear of something unknown. Once you explain what is happening, then the entire syndrome is gone.

But here we are not talking about such cases, because such cases usually are treated by psychologists, psychiatrists, and they are doing quite well once they explain to them: “Oh, you are afraid