Cannabis indica has this possibility, to draw out the aetheric body and to give the experiences that some of you might have had. I do not believe any of you have ever taken Cannabis indica, but anyhow…if you should have, you may have remarked that this detachment may remain as a permanent state, a state of fear of insanity. Tremendous fear of insanity. It is really a division. And that division may stay forever after that.
This fear of insanity is listed prominently for Cannabis, but
seldom is it described by a patient in these
Fear of insanity.
Overwhelming terms. It is more readily called a fear of losing
fear of losing control. The levitation and floating sensations
make the patients feel that their whole being is becoming diffused and that they are losing control over themselves. This fear of insanity, in the form of fear of losing control, is so overwhelming and disturbing that the person feels as if he is living permanently in hell, instead of the paradise which the drug seems to promise.
Other symptoms, such as indifference, confusion of the mind, endless theorising, confusion with regard to time, and so on are nothing in comparison to the turmoil that is brought about by the fear of insanity.
We have treated severe cases of panic after the use of
Panic-attacks of Marihuana, which are of the worst type as
the worst kind described by the patient. The panic attacks I have described so far are not as severe.
Cannabis indica panic attacks are more severe than those of any of the other remedies we have discussed so far. I have to give you an idea of the quality of the panic attack.