
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 95

Cannabis indica has the same idea as CaIcarea: the fear of insanity. “I am loosing my mind” is the idea, “I am going crazy!”

But at the same time they have the feeling “I am going away from my body.” And going away from the body means, “I am in contact with a dimension that is not the physical world in which we live, but it is a dream world.”

You see, the moment you are asleep and you go to the dream world, there is a detachment of the aetheric body from the physical body. And then you enter a world of dreams.

Now,   Cannabis indica  has all kinds of delusions.

Cannabis can be called the remedy for delusions.

There is no other remedy that has produced and cured        All kinds of


such a great variety of delusions, although I do believe

that if other hallucinogenic drugs were properly proved, they too would elicit a similar number and diversity of delusions.

With regard to Cannabis, we can say that there is virtually no delusion that cannot be experienced in a case caused by this drug or demanding this remedy.

These delusions are present, because these persons are still in contact with the dream world even while they are awake. It’s the same thing which happens to the schizophrenics. The schizophre­nic person is an individual between physical body and aetheric body, which are not in complete harmony.

The aetheric body is half out and is looking upon a world which is the world of fantasy, the world of delusions etc. In the same way that we are detached in sleep, a schizophrenic lives in both worlds. In this world for a time, and in the dream world most of the time.