
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 94

Cannabis states can also appear spontaneously as a result of an individual’s predisposition or as a specific reaction to external influences or internal disturbances. It should be noted, however, that an anamnesis of hashish or marijuana abuse should make you prick up your ears.

One of my first cases back in the seventies that I was trying to cure from panic attacks was an American woman. She had chronic fatigue syndrome with panic attacks. That means she was not able to walk, she would just fall down, come into a total panic, and they had to take her home.

I had given her several remedies, until it struck me that maybe she had been using Cannabis before. I asked her about it, and she answered: “Yes!” She reported that the symptoms had started after she had been using quite a lot of Marihuana.

What happens to these people? The Marihuana detaches the aetheric body, the soul from the physical body. The detachment takes place to such an extent, that the person feels he is dying. He feels he is going away from his body. It’s a terrible feeling with a tremendous fear. And usually they don’t feel the entire body; they feel parts of the body are going away.

Sensations as if any or all of the limbs are floating or rising

upwards are common. They lie on their bed,

Terrible fear with               and suddenly an arm or a leg seems to float the sensation that

the body or parts          up into the air. The extremity feels as if it

of the body are             possesses no finger, no bone; it is not really

qoinq away                      ‘here’, not solid. And that leads to tremendous

states of anxiety, panic attacks, a tremendous fear that they are dying.