G.V.: Here is an interesting remedy for panic attacks. Do you know Cannabis indica? When I was in the United States I asked the class: “Who has taken Marihuana?”
I stared at the class – in one second all hands went up! (audience laughs)
Then I asked: “Who has not taken Marihuana?”. No one. Everybody in America… You know, there was a time during the sixties and the seventies where everybody was taking Marihuana. Therefore we have a lot of information from such cases.
Cannabis indica is a remedy which is required with increasing frequency today, largely because of the widespread abuse of hashish and marijuana. The injudicious consumption of hashish can, in many instances, provoke a chronic Cannabis state. The idea that Cannabis is an innocuous, harmless herb or ‘grass’ is a myth, as we have seen hundreds of cases that are still suffering from its side effects years after taking it.
In those cases, where the symptoms correspond to Cannabis, the fact that these people become well after taking the remedy in high potency confirms that the symptomatology originated through taking the drug.
This does not mean, however, that Cannabis is indicated for all people who suffer from the consequences of hashish abuse. The reaction of the organism to the consumption of hashish can also assume other forms and display the symptomatology of other remedies.
Moreover, it is not necessary to have a history of exposure to Cannabis for a Cannabis indica state to develop.