
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 88

There is also an anxiety or anguish that is excited by listening to

cruel stories. They have fear of this and that. All
Fear of many
these   fears   are   common   or   not  differentiating

points for the remedy. Because fear of the dark is

found in at least 30 remedies.

MIND-FEAR-dark; of

Aeon. aeth. am-m. arg-n. ars. bapt. bell. brom. calad. Calc. calc-act. calc-ar. calc-p. calc-s. Camph. CANN-I. Cann-s. Cann-xyz. Carb-an. Carb-v. care, cassia-s. Caust. chin, chinin-s. Cupr. dys. gaert. gels. grin. hyos. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-s. lac-c. Lye. mane. Med. morg. nat-m. nux-m. nux-v. op. Phos. prot. Puis. rad-br. rhus-t. sanic. sep. sil. STRAM. Stront-c. syc. Tub-k. valer. xan. zinc.

Which out of these 30 remedies will you give? It is very difficult to differentiate. Only the intensity in the fear of the dark – when you switch off the light and then the person comes into a state of panic, then, if that is very strong, the remedy is….? Stramonium.

Other fears that appear often in Calcarea subjects are: fear of thunderstorms, supernatural things, ghosts, infection and microbes, poverty, mice, insects, spiders (arachnophobia), leaving the house, public places (agoraphobia), narrow places (claustro­phobia). One of the fears that can grow to tremendous intensity in Calcarea is the anxiety about health and the fear of death (thanatophobia).

When physical ailments prevail, this fear can be of mild intensity, and the Calcarea patient will not pay much attention to it. This anxiety, however, is capable of increasing to such a degree, and the fear of death can be so overwhelming, that the patient lives in an inferno. His life is totally destroyed by it.