
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 78

This passion for neatness will also be reflected in Arsenicum’s personal appearance. Even if he has owned a suit for many years, it seems so neat and clean on him that one is left with the impression that it was purchased recently. He attends to his clothing with great care and precision; on arriving home, for example, he will carefully and neatly fold his clothes and put them away so that on the following morning he will be sure to find them in an immaculate condition. He enjoys rendering such care and spends an inordinate amount of time at it.

The wardrobe of Arsenicum is something beautiful to look at: everything is aligned with unbelievable precision. Such uncompromising attention to details result in the well recognized imma­culate, perfect appearance of Arsenicum.

Material things matter to them very much, to the extent that if

this field becomes disordered, they are disturbed.

Material things                                                           

are very                  So, what happens? Their organism becomes

important               disordered in one way or another. They develop diarrhoea, stomach pains, heart palpitations, or even simple things.

They start developing fear to the extent that they feel: “This is the end. I am so sick that I am incurable.”

And then there is a strong point of differentiation: they need to have somebody with them. Wherever they go, they have a person to accompany them. Not any person, but a person whom they trust, so that if something happens to them, if they have a heart attack for example, this person will be able to take them to the emergency room and take care of them.

Of course, Arsenicum is a prominent remedy listed under the rubric “desires company”.