health. He will telephone doctors, psychics, relatives and friends alike, one after another, for advice.
In some cases, because of these fears, the patient does not want to leave the house by himself and desires to be with somebody at all times. He fears that something may happen to him if he is out somewhere without company and has no one to assist him.
Argentum nitricum is, as we know, an impulsive person
who needs to test dangerous things. So if there
Impulsive person,
desire to try is something which has danger, he needs to
dangerous things come close and needs to touch and needs to
test. Most of you may have heard this case. This is a friend of mine.
We had gone fishing together and we had caught a fish that was
very poisonous.
I put it down and told him: “Don’t touch that fish, it is very poisonous. We’d have to go home right away if you touch it.”
I continued fishing. At a certain moment I turned around and saw him sticking his hand into the basket, trying to touch that fish.
I said: “For God’s sake, don’t touch that fish!”
“Okay, okay.”
I continued fishing. When I turned around the next time, there he was, trying to touch that fish again! (audience is laughing)
I thought: “Oh, my God!” I had prescribed Phosphorus for him, because he was such an open person. Usually you confuse these cases with Phosphorus cases.
I then realized: that is something which cannot be controlled by logic. The danger, he had to touch this danger, he had to become one with the danger.