But the inner issues, upon which we need to prescribe, are sometimes hidden, or they are not expressed in this way. Sometimes you have to perceive them, you have to see them.
Argentum nitricum becomes overly anxious or even frightened when he is alone and, consequently, seeks out company.
Argentum nitricum is one
Fear of being alone,
of our main remedies for fear of being alone desires company
and for a desire for company, together with
Arsenicum, Lycopodium and Phosphorus. Fear of
death when alone in the night is characteristic. As these tendencies
continue, the patient can reach a state of severe anxiety neurosis
with irrational behaviour.
In Argentum nitricum, the anxiety about health may reach unprecedented heights. When alone he can easily fall prey to panic states during which he trembles all over, mumbles, stutters and even convulses. Many times the entire crisis is attended with frequent stools or diarrhoea. An indescribable fear overwhelms the individual and renders him irrational.
If alone at night, he is especially anxious, is fearful of fainting and fearful that some sort of calamity will befall him or that death is near. This fear increases gradually until it assumes enormous proportions, overwhelming the individual and precipitating absolute panic. This is the time when he usually ends up in a hospital emergency room.
His fears about his health are not always defined, but most of the time they will concern either heart disease, brain stroke or cancer. While in the throes of this crisis of fear he will ask for and seriously consider any advice offered by anyone concerning his