
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 69

But we don’t realize that there also is impulsiveness during the anxiety. He will also express the panic with this kind of impulsiveness. And that’s what makes the difference between one remedy and another.

One of the earliest symptoms of the mental emotional pathology of Argentum nitricum is weakness of memory. The patient can no longer perform as he did previously in his work.

At this point the patient is well aware of the weakening of his
faculties and the failing of his memory. He feels incompetent and
inefficient,    especially    when    confronting               Anxiety before

some  sort  of  intellectual   challenge.   This         appearing in public,

                                                                         anticipatory anxiety

patient is of the type who, even if he knows

a subject well, becomes very anxious before giving a public speech

and,  in  anticipation  of the event,  may suffer from a  rumbling abdomen, flatulence, vomiting and even diarrhoea.

As he notices this inefficiency, he begins to feel very much in a hurry; there is not enough time for him to accomplish the things he wants to do. He becomes impatient and can hardly wait for an appointment.

He has great anxiety about arriving on time for his rendezvous and will leave home much too early for appointments. The anticipation of any engagement brings on anxiety, sweating and sometimes diarrhoea.

Thus, Argentum nitricum is one of the main remedies for complaints which occur from anticipating an appointment or engagement. Even an insignificant appointment may produce similar reactions.