In Argentum nitricum, the anxiety about health may reach unprecedented heights. When Anxjety about health
alone he can easily fall prey to panic states during which he trembles all over, mumbles, stutters and even convulses. Many times the entire crisis is attended with frequent stools or diarrhoea. An indescribable fear overwhelms the individual and renders him irrational.
At this stage he may sometimes fear that an evil force is affecting him. The patient is gullible, believing opinions of anybody and everybody concerning his state of health. He develops palpitations and is sure that he is about to have a heart attack. He feels a palpitation, and he freezes thinking: “My God! What is that?”
He seems to exaggerate his symptoms dramatically through his imagination. Although in his life he may be a practical businessman, he cannot apply this rationality in his neurotic states. He is simply overtaken by them.
So you are sitting in your consulting room and the patient comes and (in a moderate tone) says: “I have fear of death.”
When a patient starts like this, then it’s your job to differentiate.
“I have panic attacks, I suffer from panic attacks.”
When they start like this, your job will be to understand the depth and type of expression of that panic attack. Unless you have enough knowledge in your Materia Medica to be able to differentiate between the one and the other state, forget about searching in the repertory in the rubric “fear of death”.
You have to know what type of person you have in front of yourself.