
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 65

G.V.: If you go to the Materia Medica here and just read the words, there is not much difference between Aconite and Argentum nitricum.

Extreme anxiety about health, fear of death, hypochondriasis. Impulsiveness. Fear of heights, crowds, like in Aconite, fear of crossing bridges, narrow closed places, etc.

But Argentum nitricum cases will be totally different in their panic attacks from Aconite. Now, what you are interested in is how to differentiate between Aconite and Argentum nitricum. What are the real differences?

The panic and anxiety attacks are of a totally different kind.

Why? Because Argentum nitricum,

once it reaches an anxiety state, remains                   Live in contant

states of anxiety

almost constantly in that state. Anxiety with

fear. Fear of dying, and a fear of cancer, with fear of heart or

whatever   disease.    But   the   character   of   an   Argentum

nitricum person is totally different from that of Aconite .

Argentum nitricum persons are greatly communicative,

very easily expressing their fears, expres-

Open, emotional sing their emotions. They will not feel timid,           people. Must speak

will not feel impeded. And when the                   about their anxieties

emotions arise, they have to be expressed.

They possess a certain straight forwardness and simplicity. These patients seem to be incapable of hiding their feelings for long.

What do we see in a panic state? Let’s take the pathology, the overall picture of Argentum nitricum.