
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 62

will show no reaction to such a shock, but will on the other hand be extremely sensitive to the stress of a love disappointment, particularly in case of him possibly being ridiculed.

Baryta carbonica or Aconite will not be affected at all by such types of stress. A financial ruin or stress will affect Aurum, Psorinum or Bryonia deeply, while Ignatia or Natrium muriaticum will remain unaffected.

A stressful situation in an Arsenicum patient will produce anxiety about health, fear of having cancer and tremendous fear of death.

The same stress will make a Hyoscyamus patient cut off his emotions and feel dead emotionally. These are but a few examples to illustrate my point

When you give the remedy, this extra pathology will go away, and the person will always return to his former state containing timidity and shyness.

A constitutional Baryta carbonicum person will never be a person with great confidence, coming out to talk to 400 people.

Forget it. But still he is not sick. He becomes sick from the moment that this trait, this timidity and shyness, this lack of self-confidence becomes too great and impedes his work and his creative powers.