
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 56

Or somebody is very fast in his mind and actions. Someone else needs more time. If you expect that such traits are going to change with your remedy that is a big mistake! You have to be careful. Because, what have I seen happening?

After I started teaching in America, back in 1974, concerning the essences of the cases, I found out that people misunderstood, and each teacher who had some cases took the personality traits of the case and presented them as belonging to the remedy.

You see, a person needing Aconite can be a simple farmer, just as a computer expert, a doctor, a scientist. It can be a govern­ment official, whatever. These people will present in different ways and they will have different personalities.

So don’t confuse this. That is why I say we are going to learn the basics. And the basics for Aconite are the intensity, the fear, the prediction of death: “I am going to die.”

If you go away from this information, you will be mixing the personality of your patients into Aconite. And that is very dangerous, because if you are teaching, you will be giving information to others that is not reliable. Also, when you prescribe the remedy, you have to have in mind that the symptoms that go away belong to the remedy.

It is apparent that Aconite states can include a wide range of symptomatology. Symptoms can vary from relatively mild tachycardias, arrhythmias, numbness, tingling, etc. to fears, phobias, tremendous panic and, finally, coldness, extreme prostration and collapse with blueness and coldness of the whole body.

It is important for the student of homeopathy to understand that a case that needs Aconite will be cured in an impressive way