
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 54

The patient goes: “It’s no use. I’m going to die.” This is the idea: “It’s no use, you came too late. I am going to die. I’m not going to be saved.”

In acute conditions even if the condition is quite serious, where you have given one, two, three other remedies without effect and the condition has progressed and the fever remains high, and when you see this symptom of: “Forget it, I am going to die, I know I will die…”, it is an Aconite condition.

Another interesting situation in which you will find this, is when somebody tells you the following: “I drive very well inside the town. But as soon as I come out with my car on to the national road and there is space…”

Do you see the difference? “When there is space…”

“I am driving and suddenly the area around me open, then the

fear comes and the panic comes and I get

Anxiety in wide open

spaces                                anxious.”   Now,   these   panic   attacks   in

       Aconite will come from time to time. It is

not a constant state. Otherwise they can go and lead their normal

life. But when a moment comes where, on
Panic attacks arise
from time to time               
entering a place, they feel closed in, or

Otherwise they lead        because  they  come  into  a  situation  in
a normal life                       which they feel danger for their life  then

the panic will come suddenly, will come intensely and will totally overwhelm the individual.

It is like a storm coming on, a storm which overcomes the psyche and produces a terrible state of panic stricken fear.

It is interesting that most of such panic attacks can occur at certain hours. That means for example the time of sunset, during