Stramonium, very good! Stramonium also, because Stramonium has an extra symptom: Once it becomes dark, the panic develops. Darkness and a closed place – Stramonium will go crazy.
So, if Aconite gets closed in an elevator, it will go crazy. You see, if we get stuck in an elevator, we usually wait until help is underway. Okay, it takes a while, half an hour, one hour, we push the button, somebody will come and help. But an Aconite person would collapse. “I am locked in now, and I am going to die!” is the panic which arises in such cases.
Another condition in which Aconite will be prominent: A young woman comes and tells her complaints: headaches etc., and fear.
“Fear of death?”
“Oh yes, absolutely, fear of dying – to the extent that I have made my will.”
Imagine, a young woman! She has made her will.
“In case I will die – what will happen with my money etc.?”
Their conviction that they are going to die is so great! The period of time can differ, as I said, but the main idea is soon! Maybe in one day, one week. One, two or three days you only see in acute conditions.
When a patient has an acute with very high fever, great palpitations, redness in the face, and you go there and he is murmuring: “…oh, ah, …forget it, forget it”, then you understand he is thinking something, and you ask: “What? What is it?”