
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 41

energy and dries up the individual. This is amazing. We have to keep this case in mind in case we ever have to treat after-effects of Anthrax-cases.

Dried up individuals, whose energy has been blocked, espe­cially the emotional energy. They do not have the energy to cry. And suddenly she opens up and cries and cries. Just like this boil does not open, does not open. For years, eight years the boil is there, but it does not open. And then, after the remedy, it opens and releases. I think you got a good idea about Anthracinum .

Burning pains. The affected parts burn like fire. These symptoms we also have in Arsenicum album. But here we have an amelioration from heat, not an aggravation.

Another remedy with similar symptomatology as Anthracinum is Tarentula cubensis.

Tarentula also has strong, burning pains and boils. Just like Hepar sulphuris.

But the size of the boil and the combination of heat and burning pains, besides the other symptoms, led us to the idea of Anthracinum.

(End of Anthracinum -case)