
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 32

Homeopath: “Eight years. She is much better, really, incredibly better. Every day is better, with a little bit of ups and downs, but today she is doing exceedingly well. Yesterday it opened up. To get a little more of the evolution: After the remedy the pain went down dramatically.

And there were immediate effects that were felt, almost immediately after the remedy was given. But the actual thing became larger after the remedy, even though the pain went, it became really large! I mean, it was five or six inches across. And people would look at it in disbelief. But she was altogether much better than before.”

G.V.: “It’s very strange. The size becomes bigger, but the actual pain is reduced.”

Homeopath: “Yes, by 75 – 80%. And now, by Friday, mea­ning two days ago, there were a lot of sensations, prickly sensations, not this hot burning. Tingling sensations and much pressure. And you could see certain points where it was beginning to get ripe, different areas, little whitish areas where you could see underneath and see the pus that would later discharge.

And yesterday, after she got out of the bathtub, unknowing to her, it was starting to discharge, and she maybe lost a teaspoon or a teaspoon and a half of pus. And today it was maybe a tablespoon. The size is way down. It’s still quite large, but it’s way down compared to what it was. There is no