So in Anthracinum, ulceration takes place easily, with sloughing and excruciating burning pains. Cellular tissues become oedematous and indurated.
Anthracinum meets septic conditions with enormous
swelling, and as already mentioned, intolerable
Septic states
burning pains, and with the dark-red discoloration of the inflamed part. Generally in this remedy there is a tendency to easy suppuration and sepsis.
The patient is unable to feel, to express or to share deep emotions. She trudges through her existence in an apparent state of confusion, especially concerning her emotions, where nothing is clear, nothing is perceived properly, where she herself does not know how she feels.
(The video continues. The follow-up is shown)
Homeopath: “She received Anthracinum C 200. She felt dizzy very soon after she took the remedy and thought that she was about to get a headache. And the infected area became very, very hot after the remedy.”
(Vithoulkas stops the video)
Watch this! Immediately you can see the correct action. What happened? She started to get dizzy. It is an expression. The headache was back. You see? Remember? Pulsatilla took away the headache. The headache had to come back.