
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 97

worse after the menses.) The end stage of Alumina corresponds to imbecility or what we see so frequently today, Alzheimer’s disease. It is one of our most frequently used remedies for senil- ity (Argentum nitricum, Baryta carbonica, Plumbum, Secale).
Even though the emotional level is less affected in Alumina than the mental and physical levels, significant emotional pathology can be encountered. The Alumina patient often develops great anxiety, most frequently in the morning on waking. He may awaken with a feeling that something terrible is about to happen. There is a fear and anguish that the patient himself cannot ex- plain. Frequently the patient may awaken with this anguish in the morning, especially at 4 a.m. As the morning passes the anxiety subsides, and by evening it is markedly ameliorated. Many times, he may experience feelings of guilt that bring about a kind of in- describable anxiety, but all the same these feelings are described or defined with great difficulty on the part of the patient (Arsenicum album, Aurum, Chelidonium, Digitalis, Psorinum, Sulphur).
Alumina can have very definite fears and phobias. Perhaps the most striking of these is a fear of knives or pointed things (Ar- senicum, China, Hyoscamus, Lyssin, Silicea, Spigelia). The Alu- mina fear is different from the fear of small pointed things seen in Spigelia and Silicea; it is, rather, a fear of, or at times a repul- sion for, large knives. The disturbing idea is that the object is po- tentially lethal. Sometimes the patient has the thought, ‘Some- one could be hurt with that instrument.’
However, this symptom of Alumina is often not so clearly pre- sented. There may simply be revulsion when looking at the in- strument, an instinctive dislike. At other times there can be mo- mentary impulses to use the knife or images flashing in the pa- tient’s mind of the instrument being used to hurt someone else or himself. Thus, there is a gamut of unformulated Tears and im- pulses concerning knives and pointed instruments.
Another phobia is fear on seeing blood (Nux moschata). Alumi- na can also produce a great fear of cockroaches. The fear of in- sanity is quite strong, but there may also be a fear of disease in general which causes the patient to travel from doctor to doctor. A fear that she may get epileptic fits may be seen (Argentum nitricum, Mercurius).