
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 86

that will need transplantation which has such a high cost today. If therapeutics were making any progress, we would prevent de- generation and we would not have so many cases of heart or chronic disease already in young individuals.
The problem that we must face is, how is it possible with appro- priate treatment to get to the point where surgery will no longer be needed to such an extent?
My reasoning is quite simple: if our present system of thera- peutics were truly curative, chronic diseases should by now have declined or even been wiped out. In reality, however, not only is this not the case, but what we are seeing is exactly the opposite, a great explosion of the numbers suffering with chron- ic diseases plus the fact that new chronic degenerative diseases have manifested and joined the ranks of those already existing – witness the latest -AIDS!
So where is this tangible medical progress? Should we wish to approach this problem as a whole, we should be obliged to con- fess that existing methods of prevailing medical treatment have sadly failed us.
Today’s medicine is not only useless, but often dangerous as well, with its unresearched long term side-effects. Medical literature is full of short-term side effects but what about the long-term ones? The problems and side-effects which prevailing treatment cre- ates can often be worse than the illness itself. Why should we not therefore suppose that this system of therapeutics has itself been responsible for the explosion of chronic degenerative diseases?
Stating facts, of course, one must admit that governments, see- ing no other option, did the best they could, in the belief that it was in the best public interest to impose such a system of medi- cine on the whole population. Here, however, we are attempting to uncover the truth of the matter.
There are certainly doctors practicing conventional medicine with experience, knowledge and wisdom who make real efforts to protect their patients’ health with the mildest and safest pos- sible drags, but the great majority of doctors act under the in- fluence of pharmaceutical companies and their agents, who are keen to sell their products.