
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 83

ing to be completely eliminated, the treatment must be contin- uous and should start at the very beginning of life – conception.
Therefore, homeopathy can regenerate the population of any country that adopts it completely, together with some other aux- iliary sanitary measures which are not within the scope of this book.
It often happens, if the doctor is a real master of homeopathy, that even cases considered incurable can be restored to health through continuous and proper stimulation of the vital force. That is why Dr. J. T. Kent, the man who effected the most spec- tacular cures in the world of homeopathy, wrote as follows to one of his friends: ‘My records of epilepsy, blindness, cancer, etc., I dare not publish, as I would certainly be hounded as a fal- sifier. I should not believe it myself unless I had seen the patients come and go.’ 2
Homeopathic journals all over the world are full of cures in cas- es like asthma and all kinds of allergic conditions of the lungs and higher respiratory tract, anaemia, skin afflictions of all kinds
– like psoriasis and dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, heart dis- ease, kidney and liver complaints, chronic headache, vertigo, mental disorders and so on. Most of these have been declared incurable by allopathic medicine; all of them have been cured by homeopathy.
This is the main reason why homeopathy has survived and spread as widely as it has. It is at present practiced in nearly eve- ry country of the world. Now that this is so, now that it has cured millions of people, we can understand the meaning of the epi- taph which Hahnemann chose for himself: Non Inutilis Vixi – ‘I did not live in vain.’
It would be fitting to end this book with the words that Hahne- mann bequeathed to coming generations:
Refute these truths if you can by showing a still more efficacious, certain, and agreeable method than mine; refute them but not by words alone, for we already had too many of those. But if experience should prove to you, as it has to me, that my method is the best, make use of it to save your fellow-creatures and give the glory to God. 3