eases, no matter how painful and malignant they may be, may be aborted or cured by homeopathy: typhoid and whooping cough within ten days; la grippe, acute bronchitis, pneumo- nia, remittent fever within a few hours; scarlet fever, diph- theria, intermittent fever, measles and smallpox within a few days; septic fevers within a few hours.’
I once asked Dr. Kent, ‘What can you do for the insane?’ for 1 knew of some remarkable cures he had made. He replied. ‘I could go through our insane asylums and take out about half of them and cure them, and if I could have reached them at the time they were incarcerated, I could have cured practically all of them excepting those cases due to imbecility, tumours, and epilepsy.’
All expert homeopaths will attest to Dr. Kent’s announcement as being verified by their individual experiences. Your experience will prove that homeopathy is a talisman from which all diseases fade away. It is specific.
Yet in spite of claims by Hahnemann more than one hundred years ago with demonstrated proof, Dr. Kent’s announcement twenty years ago and your individual experiences, we are slow to let the world, both professional and lay, know what homeopathy can do. How could they know if we do not tell them? We tell one another often in our societies and journals, but we have neglected to ‘go out into the world and preach the Gospel.’
We are lazy, and we alibi with ‘professional ethics’. We follow the path of least resistance preferring to be entertained, amused and ‘letting George do the work’. We are like the foolish virgins: we bury our talents and hide our candle under a bushel measure, keeping suffering humanity in the dark. Is that ethical? It is our duty to go out and preach, advertise homeopathy. The medical profession at large is starving and wants homeopathy but they don’t know that they do…
If someone had the genius to awaken the world and make it realize what homeopathy can do, it would mean a new epoch for humanity – a renaissance in medicine. Indeed, homeopathy is so far-reaching that its universal use in medicine would mean great progress toward the millennium, as homeopathy has to