
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 75

Chapter 13


Despite the difficulties of creating a new and revolutionary sys- tem in the world, there are actually some very exciting and im- portant steps being taken to establish and institutionalize the highest standard of homeopathy. These efforts require the assis- tance of many individuals in a wide variety of ways. How can an individual contribute to the establish-ment of homeopathy?
The first and most important thing to do is to be treated by a good homeopath. Personal experience is the only way one can fully appreciate the benefit of homeopathy. It is not necessary to have a serious disease to be treated homeopathically; virtual- ly everyone has some disturbance or imbalance to be corrected.
How does one find a good qualified homeopath? You can seek out homeopaths who have been trained extensively by the emi- nent homeopaths of modern times.
The ultimate goal for the future is to establish a full-time pro- fessional school for training homeopaths, where medical knowl- edge as well as homeopathic training is given over an extended period of 6 or 8 years. At present the resources are not available to directly establish such an institution. However, steps toward that end have already been taken, and there is much that can be done to further this progress.
An important project now in the planning stage is the establish- ment of a healing centre to which people of various degrees of health from all over the world can come for treatment. Such a fa- cility will not only provide the best of homeopathic care (along with other holistic therapies when indicated), but it would also be a training facility for homeopaths who have completed the basic training. This facility will then become the nucleus even- tually for the formation of the fully-fledged homeopathic profes- sional school.