
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 71

that one is supposed to do. Logic may find it perfectly reasona- ble that if one drug can produce 80 per cent of a patient’s symp- toms and another can produce the remaining 20 per cent, both can be safely administered together and jointly remove the dis- ease. But it does not work that way. It is not a matter of quanti- ty – adding up the required number of symptoms in a variety of drugs – but rather one of quality. In nature, these remedies are all dissimilar in quality (in vibrational frequency) and thus create dissonance with one another.
As a crude analogy, we may enjoy two Beethoven sonatas, each in its own mood affecting us in a refined way, but if we were to mix them simultaneously, we would hear only a meaningless and painful dissonance. Every drug has its own vibrational fre- quency and, in order for it to work, it must be similar to the na- ture of the disorder and be administered singly.