The function of homeopathy is to powerfully strengthen the or- ganism’s natural defense mechanism by adding to its resources and energy. It works in the same direction as the vital force and not against it. This direction, this natural intelligence of the vital defense, is precisely that set of symptoms that allopathy would so diligently suppress.
As all substances possess characteristic electromagnetic fields, the task of the homeopath is to find that substance whose ‘vibra- tion rate’ most closely matches that of the patient during illness. As discussed earlier, the vibration rate is manifested by the total- ity of symptoms – whether in a patient as manifestation of the ill- ness or in provings after administration of the remedy. When the vibration rates of patient and remedy are matched, a phenome- non occurs which is very well known to physicists and engineers as ‘resonance’. Just as one tuning fork can stimulate vibration of another of identical frequency, so the remedy enhances the vi- bration rate of the patient’s electromagnetic field. This results in an increase of the patient’s electromagnetic field at precisely the frequency needed to bring about a cure.
Of course, to accomplish such benefit, the remedy chosen must be very close to the precise vibration rate of the patient. This is why it is important for patients to consult only fully qualified homeopaths – those who have undergone at least four years of training in reputable schools and who strictly follow the basic laws and principles of homeopathy.
There are many homeopaths who possess only a partial knowl- edge and who frequently deviate drastically from basic princi- ples. They administer homeopathically prepared medicines, but they cannot be called homeopaths. Although poor homeopathy cannot do active, direct harm in the same sense as toxic allopath- ic drugs, it can create great disruption in the vital force of the pa- tient. If disorderly prescribing occurs over a long enough period of time, the case can become so disrupted that even a highly qual- ified homeopath will not be able to restore the patient’s health.
Because of the principle of resonance (the Law of Similars), a remedy which does not cover all the patient’s symptoms can- not have any effect, nor should it be supposed that two or three drugs (remedies) taken together will collectively do the work