
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 69

no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and mat- ter, for the field is the only reality.
Electromagnetic fields are characterized by the phenomenon of vibration. As electrons race around atomic nuclei, they first move in one direction and then in another, as viewed by an ex- ternal observer. This oscillation back and forth occurs at a spe- cific frequency which is determined by the type of sub-atom- ic particle and its level of energy. For our purposes, however, the significant point is that everything exists in a state of vibra- tion, and every electromagnetic field is characterized by vibra- tion rates (or frequencies) which can be measured.
The human organism is no exception. To grossly over-simpli- fy a highly complex situation, one can visualize an individu- al human being as existing at a particular vibrational frequency which may change dynamically every second depending upon the mental state of the person, internal or external stresses, ill- ness, etc. The vital force is akin to a kind of subtle energy which resembles the electromagnetic field in living beings.
Once a morbific stimulus has affected the electromagnetic field of a person, things may progress in two ways. If the person’s constitutional state is quite strong and the harmful stimulus weak, the electromagnetic field changes its vibration rate only slightly and for only a short time. The individual is not aware that anything has happened at all.
If, however, the stimulus is powerful enough to overwhelm the vital force, the electromagnetic field undergoes a greater change in vibration rate, and effects are eventually felt by the individual. The defense mechanism is called into action which may involve changes on mental, emotional, or physical levels.
The defense mechanism of an organism is called into play on- ly when a stimulus is truly a threat to the existence or well-be- ing of the organism. It is only then that the organism sets in mo- tion processes which are felt by the patient as symptoms. The symptoms of a disease are nothing but reactions trying to rid the organism of harmful influences which are merely the mate- rial manifestations of earlier disturbances on a dynamic electro- magnetic level.