Chapter 11
So far, we have considered society’s return to natural process- es arising from the failure of modern medicine to deal effective- ly with chronic diseases. Step by step, we have followed Hah- nemann through his life of discovery: the Law of Similars, the process of extracting the healing power from natural substances while eliminating toxicity, the concept of the vital force as the ba- sis of health and disease and the miasms as being the underlying cause of chronic diseases. We have been given a glimpse of what it is like to have a homeopathic case taken and the miraculous re- sults which occur after the correct remedy has been prescribed.
Homeopathy works, and attempts continue to be made to un- derstand the nature of things, to be able to say precisely how it works. In truth, the answer is academic, since the practitioner’s first obligation is to cure, and our knowledge of homeopathy is adequate to do that. Nevertheless, the human mind is not content without answers. Within the framework of existing knowledge, here, briefly, is the best answer I can give.
It doesn’t take much thought to see what the symptoms of a dis- ease mean, what they show, what they say. They are the means by which nature fights to rid the organism of the disease. As Hippo- crates aptly put it: ‘Through vomiting nausea is cured.’ Tt seems that each organism possesses a defence mechanism (a manifes-tation of the vital force acting in the disease state) which is set in operation as soon as this organism is invaded by an internal or external morbific agent. We know that all infectious diseases have an incubation period during which the patient is unaware that he is ill; actual symptoms appear only after this period of incubation, which may last hours, or days. Here is the first clue to the theory of the dynamic conception of disease.