
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 60

she was going to die. He observed her last minutes and didn’t interfere. She died in a very tranquil way; it was like the way she lived and J am filled with gratitude. Your treatment was unbelievable, it was like a wonder to change her dangerous condition and I want to thank you very much. In 1996 she had fractured the collum femoris; she got a TEP and recovered in a short time. There were no complications of the circulation or in any other parts of the body. After a few days she was able to walk and this condition continued until the end of her life. When my father died in January 1997, she went into a nursing home, where she enjoyed the company of others. I learned a lot in these last years with my mother – about life, sickness and about homeopathy.’
The dramatic atmosphere during the treatment of this case, with- in the congress hall, is difficult to describe, as the case looked incredible, but the three hundred participants can surely testify to it. A Polish surgeon who was attending the seminar said that he could state that he himself had amputated hundreds of similar cases in Poland. Furthermore, the case and its progress has been recorded on video and is available to any medical authority that might be interested.

A case of cancer of the head of the pancreas with metas- tasis in the liver.
In June 1995 a case with the above diagnosis was presented to an international group of doctors in the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Alonissos, Greece. The patient was a painter who was operated on and was told that he was going to live only a few months more. Homeopathic treatment was started im- mediately. His laboratory liver tests were really bad. After a lot of ups and down in the first year of treatment the patient steadily improved over the following years and in May 1999 all his labo- ratory examinations returned back to normal. The patient is in ex- cellent health, happy, working full time for the last three years, and says that his health is as good as ever. He is still under treatment.
This case was also witnessed by 300 doctors and is also recorded on video. Needless to say, the story which is given here is only a very compact resume of the real case that took hours of inves- tigation and analysis before the indicated treatment was final-