
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 55

the patient is right: those very disturbances which are in the be- ginning his symptoms can, and ultimately do, result in the tissue changes recognised by allopathy.
The homeopath comes on the scene at the beginning and may cure the functional disorders, thereby aborting the possibility of subsequent pathological tissue change. It follows from all this that if the patient has to wait for an allopathic diagnosis before he can be cured, he pays for it dearly. This is why it has been re- peatedly stressed that homeopathy is the best preventive meth- od one can follow.
In Aphorism 7 Hahnemann states it very aptly:
Symptoms alone must constitute the medium through which the disease demands and points out its curative agent. Hence the totality of these symptoms, this out-wardly reflected image of the inner nature of disease, must be the chief, or only means of determining the selection of the appropriate remedial agent.
One hundred and fifty years later, the late Sir John Weir, a re- nowned homeopath and personal physician to the Queen of Eng- land, gave a lecture on homeopathy to the Royal Society of Med- icine at which he remarked:
In conclusion let me say, that the foregoing may sound to you plausible – or the reverse. But, as practical medical men, your feeling must be, ‘Does it work?’ In order to show you that it does work, I will take a few of the simplest cases, exemplifying Homeopathy in some of its phases. I am not going to weary you with details, but merely relate salient points.
An officer invalided home with Trench Fever. He had been ill for a year. This man had frightful irritability of temper. His fever started always at 9 a.m. He had the usual pain, restlessness, and jerking of extremities: these were worse at night. One remedy only, Chamomilla, has just this symptom complex: and a single dose of Chamomilla, in high potency, quickly cured him, and sent him back to the line.
A mother of small children, with acute food-poisoning, had been vomiting and purging all night, and was supported down to our out-patient department by her husband, at 2.30 p.m., cold, collapsed, anxious – almost ‘done’. Her symptoms were typically those of Arsenic, and Arsenicum, in high po-