the cupboard if it sticks a little, comes home and takes out his work frustrations on his wife and kids. He lies awake thinking about work problems only to finally relax and fall asleep just as he must get up to go to work again. In his ailment, this person will show all the characteristic physical symptoms of Nux vom- ica (a Brazilian nut), and will respond dramatically physically, emotionally and mentally to its administration – often for many months or even years without the necessity of repeating it.
Or perhaps you know a very feminine, rather plump woman, very changeable in her moods, one minute in tears, the next in laughter
– and all at the merest change of scenery or company – who enjoys people and talking to them (particularly about her complaint), but who is socially rather passive and not likely to be a leader. Yet she can suddenly be spiteful and snappish if spoken to. She is intoler- ant to heat while running about in cold weather with the skimpiest of clothing, and feels best when taking a walk in the open air and worst when cooped up in a stuffy room. This woman will show a dramatic response to Pulsatilla (the Wind Flower) no matter what her physical complaints may be (a skin eruption, disor- dered menstrual cycle, sterility, diabetes, asthma and so on).
Homeopathy lists in its Materia Medica (the formal compila- tion of guiding symptoms of medicines) literally thousands of substances. Their provings cover most of the symptoms which the homeopath encounters in his medical life. Naturally one can, and will, add to these resources. There is need for new research and new provings of substances not yet fully proved.
The great advantage of homeopathic diagnosis is that it concerns itself exclusively with the patient’s symptoms, and discovers from these alone the cure. For the allopath, a pathological state requiring treatment exists only when he can observe some path- ological tissue change in the body – a duodenal ulcer, say, or a tu- mour somewhere – but for the homeopath the disturbance starts with the patient’s own symptoms, which are at the same time the indication to the remedy that will cure him.
To a homeopath, the patient is ill when and because he feels ill, and the malady is already far advanced when it qualifies for al- lopathic recognition. For the allopath, the patient is ill only if something can be seen in the laboratory tests. The point is that