
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 49

right side, and has a strong craving for salt. Such pieces of infor- mation are irrelevant in the allopathic context, but they lead di- rectly to the curative medicine in the homeopathic setting.
Another responsibility of the patient is to avoid impatience. This is especially true for chronic disease sufferers. One cannot ex- pect immediate relief from symptoms possibly caused by pain- killers, tranquillizers or cortisone. Homeopathy does not have specific medicines to relieve pain, allay anxiety, counteract in- somnia, etc. Homeopathic prescriptions are always designed to bring about cure of the entire organism. The goal is harmoni- ous functioning on all levels of being, not merely momentary re- lief of specific symptoms. Sometimes this process takes weeks or months and in more severe cases it can take one or two years.
One must not be too impatient. Patients sometimes consult homeopaths with the idea that a miracle is likely to occur, and when progress is slower than they expect, they denounce home- opathy and seek another therapy. The laws of Nature proceed at their own pace and they do not progress any faster under the de- mands of impatience.
The actual time required for cure depends upon several factors. The first is the strength of the vital force at the outset of treat- ment. A patient with a strong constitution will respond more dra- matically, while someone with a weak vitality will take longer to cure. Stronger patients’ may need only one prescription and weaker ones may need a carefully-prescribed series of remedies.
The strength of the defense mechanism is determined to a large extent by hereditary factors. Patients coming from families ex- hibiting many chronic diseases are likely to require a longer time for cure. In addition, patients with a history of several illnesses, particularly if treated with many allopathic drugs, present more problems for homeopathic treatment. And finally, patients with long histories of poor diet, no exercise, and abuse of alcohol or drugs can expect cure only after extended periods of time.
Another factor in homeopathic treatment is the length of time the homeopath takes to find the indicated remedy. This is not an easy task and it may take some time to accomplish.