They are very chilly, and very sensitive to cold. Any draught or cold air will aggravate all their conditions, and is enough to ag- gravate their coryza and start them sneezing; an arm outside the bed-covers becomes painful and begins to ache, and so on.
Understandably, Rhus tox. patients are extremely anx-ious; they get no peace at all and are mentally worried, apprehensive and extremely depressed. The depression is not unlike of Pulsatilla; the patients go to pieces and weep.
With all the restlessness and worry, they become very exhausted and, considering that their temperature is quite moderate, undu- ly tired-out, almost prostrated.
Rhus tox. patients inevitably have extremely bad nights. It is very difficult for them to get to sleep because of their constant discomfort; when they do sleep, their sleep is very disturbed, full of all sorts of laborious dreams – either that they are back at work, or making immense physical effort to achieve something.
They sweat profusely, and the sweat has a peculiar sourish odour, the sort of odour one used to associate with a typical case of acute rheumatic fever.
These patients always have intensely dry mouths and lips and very early in their disease they develop a herpetic eruption which starts on the lower lip – small crops of intensely sensitive vesi- cles that spread to the corners of the mouth. These usually devel- op within the first twelve hours of their illness.
Rhus tox. patients have very violent attacks of sneezing. They describe them as usually more troublesome at night, and so vio- lent as to make them ache from head to foot. As a rule, the nasal discharge is somewhat greenish in colour.
They suffer from rather severe occipital headaches, with a sensa- tion of stiffness down the back of the neck and, very often, marked giddiness on sitting up or moving. They often complain of a sen- sation of weight in the head, as if it were an effort to hold it up.
Rhus tox. patients often complain of a feeling of intense heat in- side, and yet their skin surface feels the cold. They are sweating profusely and any draught seems to chill them – they feel the cold on the surface – but they feel burning inside.