
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 32

gantic well-worn books to which he constantly refers as you de- scribe particular symptoms, all the while writing incessantly. Or he may have this information on a computer, in which he enters your symptoms. He may even request that you speak more slow- ly so that he can get the exact phrasing of your words!
If you are unfamiliar with these stylistic differences, you may have a sense of wonder at all this, a sense that will likely be rein- forced when the homeopath, after listening at length to everything you can think of to say, launches into a long series of the most unusual questions, ranging widely into all aspects of your life:
Are you warm-blooded or do you usually feel chilly? Are you in- tolerant to dry or wet weather? Do you have any fears (of dogs, of the dark, of death, of closed places, of heights)? Are you anx- ious, and if so, over what kind of things (your health, other peo- ple)? Are you usually neat or sloppy? How are you affected by music? Are your complaints mostly on one side of your body
– which side? Do you have any particularly strong cravings or aversions for specific foods? How do you sleep? What position do you sleep in? Do you stick your feet out from under the covers?
All these questions and more may be asked. It may seem mo- mentarily like psychoanalysis, except that the homeopath does not challenge or probe deeply into your answers, but simply notes them in your own words and moves on.
At the conclusion of the interview, the homeopath may well re- quire time for private study of your case in order to go into all the details with his books, or to examine the information in the com- puter more closely, before he prescribes a remedy. You will like- ly leave the office with your mind awhirl with many details, won- dering if you have answered his questions fully and correctly, since many will have involved subtleties about yourself that you had never thought about – perhaps never would have thought about.
Invariably, patients later return reporting a change in some of their answers after observing themselves more closely for a while. But, as often, the homeopath will have anticipated them through his knowledge of the totality of symptoms of the reme- dy he has prescribed for you. This may lead you to conclude that the homeopath knows you better than you do yourself!