microbial invaders. That is why an epidemic never hits every- body in a particular area.
All allopathic physicians are taught that susceptibility is a ma- jor factor in the production of disease. This fact is taught, but it is subsequently ignored as the overwhelming emphasis of med- ical training and practice focuses exclusively upon the theory of viral or microbial transmission of disease. It is readily acknowl- edged that people are protected from microbial attack by ‘anti- bodies’, but no further inquiry is made into precisely what trig- gers off the production of antibodies. Again, why is it that this happens to certain people and not to others?
The great American homeopath of the nineteenth century, J. T Kent, again writes:
They will tell you that the bacillus is the cause of tuberculosis. But if man had not been susceptible to the bacillus, he could not have been affected by it… The bacteria are results of the disease… the microscopical little fellows are not the disease cause, but they come after… They are the outcome of the disease, are present wherever the disease is, and by the microscope it has been discovered that every pathological result has its corresponding bacteria. The Old School considered these the cause,..but the cause is much more subtle than anything that can be shown by a microscope.1
So, we can clearly see that both susceptibility and a destructive agent are necessary for the appearance of disease. It is interesting to note that the theory of ‘allergic conditions’ – to which ortho- dox medicine subscribes – fully supports this. It states that even an infinitesimal quantity of a subs-tance can sometimes bring about such violent reactions in someone susceptible to it that the suffering is unbearable and in rare instances even fatal. This happens because his susceptibility to the substance has laid him open to its effects. Since in their daily practice allopathic doctors observe infinitesimally small amounts of substance causing dis- ease, one wonders why they do not accept that an equally small dose of remedy can cure it, particularly since a homeopathic remedy is selected precisely because it has the closest possible affinity with the patient’s disorder, and he is therefore most sen- sitive to it.