Chapter 4
‘We may regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.’
– Albert Einstein
Insight into the fact that all matter is permeated with energy which can be liberated for the purpose of curing disease even- tually led Hahnemann to the true understanding of the nature of disease. He had the kind of mind that proceeded only from facts obtained from research, inquiry, and experiment. He never ac- cepted any concept that was incompatible with the results of ex- periment and observation.
Now, two facts struck him: firstly, that remedies greatly diluted could only cure if they were homeopathic ally potentized, that is, energized through succussion; and secondly, that once they were so potentized they contained no detectable material trace of the original substance. It followed that their curative effect was not a material affair but that it involved some other factor – energy. He concluded that the succussions must transmit some of the ener- gy of the original substance to the neutral matter in which it was diluted. We see examples of such transmission in our daily lives: plastic transmitting static electricity to paper if rubbed against it; or electricity, an invisible force, being stored in batteries which are themselves material. He probably realized that he had gone beyond matter and was working in the domain of energy.
From all this, a chain of logical conclusions necessarily followed. Since the remedy was in fact dynamic and not material, the level of disorder upon which it worked must belong to the same order of being: so, the illness was a derangement primarily on a dynamic plane. But what exactly did that mean? Hahnemann concluded