
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 11

Chapter 3

Today, homeopathic remedies, which all originate from the three kingdoms of plants, animals and minerals in their natural forms, are widely available in many potencies. But to understand the story of their preparation and development we must look back again to the days of Hahnemann
Once Hahnemann felt he had proved enough remedies, he be- gan prescribing them in the accepted dosages of the time. But, although the patient was invariably cured, the drug often caused such a severe initial aggravation of symptoms that patients and doctors alike became alarmed. Such aggravation was to be ex- pected since the drug itself was producing symptoms similar to those of the patient.
Moreover, Hahnemann wanted to test some of the drugs in common use at that time – such as mercury and arsenic, but, of course, he could not give such toxic substances to healthy people. So, he reduced the dose to one-tenth of its customary amount. The patient was still cured but the aggravation, though lighter, remained. This was not good enough for Hahnemann, who diluted the medicine still further, each time prescribing only one-tenth of the previous dose, and presently reached a dilution that was completely ineffective because there was essentially no more medicine left in it.
The advantages of simple dilution were clearly very limited. If the medicine was not strong enough to aggravate the symptoms it was too weak to bring about a cure. The future of homeopathy seemed to be on shaky ground, indeed.
Precisely at this most critical juncture, Hahnemann made an- other amazing discovery. To this day, it is not exactly known how he came upon the procedure; most likely, it arose from his