
The Science of Homeopathy – page 278

Tearing in the abdomen. [PEANN, 1. c; ALBERTI, 1.c.]
Tearing stitches in the left side of the abdomen, under the short ribs, in the evening soon after lying down.
535. Drawing pains in the abdomen, in the umbilical region (aft. 2.h.).
Drawing and pressing in the abdomen, as far obstructed flatus, and yet none passed off. [Whl.]
Twisting together of the intestines, and cutting in the belly, after previous rumbling there; then three diarrhoeic stools.
Contortion of the intestines, and squeezing and rumbling in the abdomen, before and during the liquid stool. [Mr.]
Burrowing, with pressure, in the right side of the abdomen. [Hbg.]
540. Twisting colic. [RICHARD, 1.c.3]
Twisting and griping in the abdomen. [KAISER, 1.c.] Dysenteric colic in the umbilical region. [GRIMM, 1.c.4] Uneasiness in the abdomen, but only during rest.
Anxious feeling in the abdomen, with fever and thirst. [MORGAGNI, 1.c.]
545. Constant chilliness, internally, in the epigastric region; cannot keep himself warm enough; externally the place feels warm.
Burning pain in the abdomen, at noon and in the afternoon, passing off with the discharge of a stool.
Burning in the abdomen, with stitches and cutting. [BUCHHOLZ, Beitr., 1.c.] Burning in the abdomen, with heat and thirst. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]
Burning in the flanks. [Hbg.]
550. In the groin and the inguinal region of the right side, pain in stooping, as from a sprain.
Burrowing, burning pain in the inguinal tumor, excited even by the lightest touch. Single, severe, slow stitches in both flanks.
Weakness of the abdominal muscles.
Rumbling in the abdomen, as if from much flatus.
555. Growling in the stomach, in the morning on awaking. Rumbling in the abdomen. [THINLENIUS, 1.c.] Rumbling in the abdomen, without stool.
The flatus tends to pass upward and causes eructations.

Rectum and Anus.
Passage of much flatus, with previous loud growling in the abdomen. [Lgh.]
560. Putrid smelling flatus (aft. 11 h.). [Lgh.] (Clotted, insufficient stool.).
Constipation [GOERITZ, 1. c; RAU, 1. c.1] Constipated abdomen.
Constipation, with pain in the abdomen. [Htb. u. Tr.2]
565. Retention of stool, despite of violent urging. [ALBERTI, 1. c] Fruitless urging to stool.
Tenesmus, with burning. [MORGAGNI, 1. c]
Tenesmus, as in dysentery; a constant burning, with pain and straining in the rectum and anus.
Unperceived discharge of stool, as if it were flatus.
570. Stools pass without his knowledge. [BUETTNER, 1.c.3] Copious stools. [KAISER, 1. c]
Pappy faeces pass, now more, now less (aft. 6, 13 h.). [Lgh.]