
The Science of Homeopathy – page 272

the loose tooth; the tooth is not painful on biting the teeth together.
Convulsive gnashing of the teeth. [VAN EGGERN, Diss de vacill. dent Duisb., 1787.1]
315. Gnashing of the teeth. [KAISER, 1.c.]
Falling out of all the teeth. [VAN EGGERN, l.c.] In the gums, stitches, in the morning.
Nocturnal tearing pains in the gums of the canine tooth, which is unbearable as long as he lies on the affected side, but is removed by the warmth of the bed; the following morning the nose is swollen and painful on being touched (aft. 3 d.). The tongue is bluish. [BAYLIFS, 1.c.]

Mouth and Throat.
320. White tongue. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]
Insensibility of the tongue; it is as if it were burnt dead, without sense of taste. Stitching pain, as from a fish-bone in the root of the tongue, when swallowing and when turning the head.
Boring pain in the right border of the tongue, while half asleep.
Pain on the tongue as if there were on its vesicles full of burning pain.
325. Erosion of the tongue at the side of the tip with smarting pain (aft. 14 d.). On the roof of the palate, long-continued feeling of roughness. [Bhr.] Scrapy, scratchy sensation, behind on the velum pendulum palati, when not swallowing.
Scraping and sensation of rancidity in the throat, as from rancid fat, after the first morsel she swallowed in the morning.
In the throat a sensation as if there was a hair in it.
330. Sensation in the throat as from a lump of mucus, with a taste of blood.
Tearing pain in the oesophagus and all up the throat, also when not swallowing.
Burning in the throat. [RICHARD, 1.c.; BUCHHOLZ, 1.c.]
Burning in the fauces. [KNAPE, 1.c. KOPF, Jahrb. der Staats-Arzneik, II. 6. 18 2.1] Inflammation of the interior of the throat. [RAU, 1.c.]
335. Gangrenous sore throat. [FELDMANN, in Comm. lit. Nor. 1743, p. 50.2] In the fauces and stomach a sensation of rolling together, as if a threat was rolled into a ball. [RICHARD, 1.c.]
Sensation of constriction in the throat. [PREUSSIUS, Ephem, N.C. Cent, III, obs. 15.3]
Constriction of the fauces (of the oesophagus). [N. m. ch Wahrn., 1. c.] His throat feels as if pressed quite shut, as if nothing would go down his oesophagus. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]
340. Deglutition very painful. [N. in. ch. Wahrn., 1.c.] Difficult swallowing. [RAU, 1.c.]
Sensation of paralysis of the fauces and oesophagus; the chewed roll could not be swallowed down, it went down with difficulty with a pinching pressure, as if the oesophagus had not sufficient strength for it; he heard it rattle down.
Feeling of dryness on the tongue. [BUCHHOLZ, 1. c.]
Sensation of great dryness in the mouth, with violent thirst; but he only drinks a little at a time. [Stf.]
345. Sensation of dryness in the throat; she had to drink constantly, as she felt that otherwise whe should perish of thirst.
Severe dryness in the mouth and violent thirst.
Severe dryness in the mouth. [THILENIUS in Richter’s chir. bibl. V, p. 540.4]