
The Science of Homeopathy – page 231

might be observed in an arthritis case showing an improvement first in the cervical region, moving next to the lumbar region, then involving the sciatic nerves, and finally progressing to the feet or hands. During a curative response, these progressions are most likely to occur within a period of three to six months, and they should not be interrupted by further prescribing. If, by chance, the process should “stall” for a month or more at a particular level, then one would be justified in se- lecting a new remedy based upon the full totality of symptoms in the moment.
To conclude the discussion about members of the first category of patients, we can reiterate that they carry the best prognosis. Their de- fense mechanisms are quite strong, and, despite the original pathologi- cal diagnosis, they can be expected to be relieved on all levels for a long period of time. These patients demonstrate most clearly the work- ings of Hering’s Law, and the interpretation of their responses should be relatively easy even for the beginning prescriber. They are like prisoners who have been suddenly and unexpectedly released from prison. Inevitably, every homeopath wishes that every case would go as smoothly as these; the fact that most cases do not is not a reflection upon the prescribing ability of the homeopath but rather upon the se- vere nature of the cases which end up consulting a homeopath in the first place.

Deep Miasmatic Cases

The first category of “constitutionally strong” cases generally are seen in cultures closely related to Nature. In Greece, these patients are commonly found among villagers living a simple life at high altitude. By contrast, patients belonging to the second category involving several miasms seem to come from cultural milieus which would be called “cultured” and “sophisticated” in modern terminology. This observation makes sense for a variety of reasons – the separation from earth cycles occurring in urban environments, chemical pollution from various sources, the hectic and artificial pace of life in urban environ- ments, overeducation and intellectualization, dependency upon sup- pressive treatments of various kinds, and many other influences.
In any case, homeopathic practices in highly polluted envi- ronments see a predominance of patients with many predispositions toward disease. These cases require the highest degrees of homeo- pathic skill in order to accomplish cure. Such cases are the measure of truly accomplished homeopaths, as compared to mediocre prescribers. As mentioned previously, every homeopath can claim impressive