
The Science of Homeopathy – page 228

Within the first category, any type of chronic disease may be en- countered – schizophrenia, cancer, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, myopathies, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, etc. Nevertheless, these diseases are all curable if the patient belongs to the first category; the defense mechanism was strong until the onset of the disease. In such cases, the most astonishing and miraculous results can be wit- nessed. These are the cases which are most satisfying and encouraging to any homeopath, and every homeopath can recall at least a few such dramatic cures. Upon careful inquiry, such cases will be found to have parents in relatively good health, no long-term allopathic treatment which might have engrafted miasmatic influences upon the system, and few vaccinations with adverse reactions; prior to the onset of the ailment, these patients will usually be found to have lived relatively healthy and emotionally balanced lives.
Patients belonging to the second category present many more prob- lems for the homeopath. The same disease entities may be involved – schizophrenia, cancer, neurological ailments, diabetes, etc. Therefore, the perplexed homeopath may wonder, “Why could 1 cure this disease in other cases and not so easily in this one?” The answer, of course, is that the miasmatic influences are much stronger. The patient’s heredi- tary history shows many more chronic diseases, there may be a long history of allopathic treatment with powerful drugs, vaccination may have had either no apparent effect or very severe reactions, and the pa- tient’s life may have always been full of anxieties, fears, and nervous- ness. Any case with all of these adverse influences will inevitably be fraught with more difficulties than a patient in the first category – even when the allopathic diagnosis is identical.
It is very important for the prescriber to learn to judge the depth of the miasmatic influence in a given case. In this way, problems in man- agement can be foreseen, and both the patient and the doctor will not be misled into a false optimism.
The same disease entities may be found in the third category of patients, of course, but in these cases the defense mechanism is so weak that the usual allopathic prognosis is indeed accurate. Even so, careful prescribing can provide very effective palliation for such cases, and it is quite possible that their useful days and months may even be extended beyond expectations.
Now, how precisely can the fundamental principles of cure be ap- plied to each category of patients? We will begin by considering pa- tients in the first category – those with strong defense mechanisms.
The most ideal evidence that a given patient has a strong defense mechanism is a response described by Cases I-IV (see Appendix B).