
The Science of Homeopathy – page 142


P1            P2          P3          P4          P5           P6           P7          P8          P9          P10        P11




Figure 11: Each prover represents a somewhat different resultant frequency of vibration. The vibration rate of the remedy will match very closely that of certain provers; these will be the most sensitive. If the remedy matches exactly, the provers will exhibit the most reliable symptoms and later will experience cure of the entire organism. If the remedy is close, but not exact, the prover will generate a variety of useful symptoms, even on mental and emotional levels. If the remedy is far from the vibration rate of the prover (for exam- ple, Prover 1 or Prover 11), then only toxic amounts of the remedy will produce symptoms, and those symptoms will tend to affect only the physical level in a gross manner.


this beneficial effect of provings and urged everyone to participate in them.

Basically, there are three criteria for determining whether a remedy has been fully proven:


  1. Symptoms must be recorded from provings on healthy individu- als using toxic (as recorded from accidental poisonings), hy-potoxic (i.e., low potency), and highly potentized doses.
  2. The symptoms recorded must be drawn from all three levels of the organism – mental, emotional, and physical.
  3. Symptoms must be included which have been cured in the pro- cess of treatment of the whole organism after administration of the remedy to a sick person.


Any remedy which has been proven by recording only physical symptoms is insufficient for homeopathic purposes. As mentioned, allopathic toxicology, even done by prestigious universities, is inad- equate because it is based primarily on animal studies. In addition, such toxicological studies do not span the full range of potencies pos- sible. Even the records of poisonings of human beings are inadequate, because symptoms are not described with sufficient individualization; for example, if a poisoning by a particular substance produces “ma- nia,” it is rare in the allopathic literature to describe the particular type of mania peculiar to each poisoning victim.

Finally, remedy descriptions which do not include cured symptoms