
The Science of Homeopathy – page 128

tency, and the correct timing according to the basic laws and principles which have been enumerated.

Sometimes a clear knowledge of miasms can have tremendous pre- dictive value, which confirms the theory convincingly. One twenty- year-old woman was brought to the office by her father because she had been suffering for many years from chronic, severe headaches. When the case was taken, the totality of symptoms indicated quite clearly Medorrhinum, which is a very well-proven nosode prepared from gonorrheal discharge. The father was an important government official, a man of great distinction, and I thought it unlikely that he had had gonorrhea. Nevertheless, I took him into another room and asked him confidentially if he had ever had gonorrhea, in his younger years perhaps? His answer was, “Who did not?” Medorrhinum was given and the patient was promptly relieved.

This case illustrates an important distinction which must be made. The daughter did not herself have gonorrhea; it is even possible that her defense mechanism was weak enough that she would not at that mo- ment be susceptible to gonorrhea even if she were exposed (although, after treatment her defense mechanism might be strengthened enough to make her susceptible). Nevertheless, the miasmatic influence dis- played itself by specific symptomatology not limited to the particular venereal pathology. If we possessed provings on all of the nosodes corresponding to known miasms, as happened in this case, prescribing would certainly be much easier.

In Figure 10 we see a schematic representation of several layers of predisposition. At the base of each layer, there is the broadest possible health for that layer. At the top of each layer, the defense mechanism is weakest for that particular layer of susceptibility. If the level of health of the mother and father are located as shown, then the predisposition of the child will lie somewhere in between the parents’; the precise lo- cation depends upon the severity of the predispositions in each parent. This refers specifically to the state of the health of the parents at the moment of conception of the child.

The level of general health of the parents depends, of course, upon their own overall predispositions, but it also varies within a certain spectrum depending upon the amount of rest, the degree of emotional stress, the presence or absence of drugs and alcohol, etc. It is for this reason that it is very important for prospective parents to do everything possible to maximize their health – not only once the mother becomes pregnant, but even before conception. These transient changes in the state of health of parents explain the commonly observed phenomenon of children from the same parents showing great variation in health.